From Around The World.


“Simone will help you break down the message you want to bring to the world and will give you the strategies to make it happen.”



“Simone has helped me develop my personal brand in ways I could have never imagined.”

Gender Consultant


“I applied all Simone’s strategies and saw an improvement in my business branding. Go for it!”

Property Manager


“Before I met Simone, I had an idea about personal branding, which is still a new concept here in Kenya and had thought of working with another lady, But as fate would have it, things just didn't work out.
Feeling stuck and not sure how to proceed, I decided to open myself out to the world. And there she was, Simone, ranking number 1 on google as a personal branding coach. I read her website and even though we were worlds apart I knew she was the perfect match for an ambitious lady like me.
Within the 8 weeks, we've been together, Simone has made me gain so much clarity and confidence in building my brand. She's held my hand, held the space of a trusted advisor and a guide. She has such amazing strategies and tools to help you unpack your value and even more important for me see the endless possibilities that I have as a woman entrepreneur. 
Within our time together, I have grown my community to 2000 women, begun my coaching business, something I had always dreamt of and up levelled my website. The best part of all is it’s just the beginning of our journey together.”

Marketing Strategist & Personal Branding Coach

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It is said that “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” And so it was. My first encounter with Simone was through divine guidance which led me to her website. I loved the feeling it created when I browsed through. I felt a connection with the person. A year later, I impulsively reached out to her – the best decision I could have taken for myself. A beautiful journey unfolded. The structured approach, focused processes, the thought-provoking workbooks were all priceless tools that helped me gain clarity in building my brand, streamline my thoughts and take stock of my self-worth. Her coaching for my social media strategy has been so valuable to help me reinforce my visibility. Today Simone is my go-to expert. I love her genuineness and her uplifting temperament. She is a wonderful listener who always celebrated my simple progress without ever being judgmental. Thank you Simone. You are more than a coach to me. You gave me so much more than what you promised. You have fueled my hope, helping me renew myself with confidence through tough times. You helped me see things I could never have on my own and by taking me beyond boundaries. I hope to do justice to all your precious efforts by creating the results we aspired to.

Transformational Coach & Trainer for Corporate Professionals


“Before I found Simone, I had been trying to build my business for several months by myself. I wasted a lot of time on trivial things, and I wasn’t moving forward. I had a lot of anxiety and stress because I didn’t know what I was offering, I wasn’t sure why clients would choose me over 100 other language mentors. Before, I thought that I could figure everything out on my own and that I didn’t need any help. How wrong I was! Why try to reinvent the wheel when it has already been invented? It’s so important to have support, to connect with like-minded people and to build a right strategy. Working with Simone, was one of the best decisions I have made for me and my business.”

Personal French Language Mentor & Wine Lover


The biggest problem of any entrepreneur is that what we do, our skills, abilities, the core essence of who we are to us ourselves  - are like water to fish. We have super powers, talents, skills, refined and perfected during years of work - but the unfortunate thing is  - we are frequently blind to most of them - exactly like fish to water. This is why, I believe, having a coach as a mirror to your own self - is always a good idea. Simone is incredible at giving you exactly that  - helping you reflect on what you already have envisioned as a leader and entrepreneur, being very delicate with your creativity and ideas and, at the same time, not giving you the slightest chance for self-deception escape. You can be sure that the best parts of you will become the best part of your business with Simone's help!

Cultural Consultant, Entrepreneur, Educator and Founder of Global CitizenZ

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“Working with Simone was one of the most important things I could have done as a business owner. Although I was already 4 years into my business, so much had changed and shifted from those first days that I was completely lost in terms of brand strategy and the next steps forward. Simone’s incredible ability to put all those ideas, thoughts, visions and goals into a workable, structured and tailored format was imperative to enable my business to move forward. Her warm, sincere and authentic attention helped me find the courage to speak my truth and not be afraid to let my true vision for my company shine. She is professional, attentive, creative, inspiring and above all else, she is fuelled by love. Love for what she does, love for what she creates and love for her clients. We are miles ahead already in our industry because of Simone and I thank her from the bottom of my heart!”

Holistic Business & Legal Consultant


“On a small Mediterranean island, until quite recently, fortune and leadership relied on word of mouth, amplified by personal contacts and basic media, at least that’s how I experienced public exposure for each of my 4 careers spanning 40 years. Then I met Simone, as I was struggling to launch the latest of my passions. Simone held the key to what was blocking me from stepping out bravely, boldly, professionally, into the public, with my new persona. With the embodiment of technology Simone held the mechanism, the expertise, the skills, the know-how, to expose my talents and dreams, not only island wide but globally. Simone’s perseverance in reflecting the value of ‘my product’ to me, her patience in getting me to focus acutely on my talents and resources, coaching me to articulate, served as my breakthrough. Additionally, her seminars on branding enhanced my understanding and my own expertise. Then came the practical, social media coaching, when the spoon-feeding shifted into me taking responsibility, one example: designing and posting my events on my own; yet always backed by Simone’s safety-net, confidence-building support at times when I felt panicky and lost. She has been and is there for me 100%.”

Coach, Psychotherapist, Movement for Change Motivational Leader

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“Before I started my journey with Simone my business was all fantasies, goals and ambitions…
“A goal without a plan is just a wish” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I just didn’t know where to start! But just after our first session together I already knew – with Simone’s help my goals would become reality. Inexperienced, young, with little to no knowledge – that’s me from just a couple of months ago.
Right now I am buzzing with energy, ideas, plans and positivity I didn’t even know I possessed! With Simone I gained clarity and focus which I previously believed to be accessible only to those high above me – a place I would never reach. What a terrible mindset that was! Simone helped me shift my views and lifestyle, making me step into my power and lighten that fire. I now have the tools, knowledge, plans and strategies in order to further grow my business, spread positivity and make my dreams come true.”

Global Visionary Set On Spreading Positivity


“Simone has a way to keep you sharply focused on the path resonating to your true and authentic self! Her sharp yet gentle, pure, authentic and powerful presence acts as a guide in itself. She is my beacon of quality, professionalism and authenticity, which to me translates to total freedom and nourishment of the soul.
I had difficulties choosing the exact services i would be offering in the past because of the broad and diverse professional background i’ve had. After working with Simone, I know exactly what it is I am here to offer and what I am not. This clarity has had a positive ripple effect in my professional development, helping me progress and develop my business, my products and draw in the audience who really need what i have to offer! Simone’s continuous professional development is elevating my vision and widening my horizons.”

Learning and Developing Expert


“I met Simone during a workshop that was organised by an NGO initiative, so i didn't even know what to expect. Her training on personal branding blew my mind, so I immediately realised the importance for myself and my business to establish a clear vision and a brand. Simone patiently worked with me and guided me in an inner search to find all the answers i needed to and helped me articulate better what my brand does and who it's for. Her artistic outlook is a huge plus when it comes to designing and making everything blend nicely together. Working with Simone to build my brand and market it online was the best decision i made and I would highly recommend her to anyone!”

Motivational Speaker, Dentist, Adventurer 


“From the moment I stepped into Simone’s serene and creative workspace I felt inspired. She captivated me with her smile and fresh ideas from the very first meeting. Working with her felt natural, organic and invigorating- she always thinks of concepts that best your personality, service and spirit. Our styles matched and she filled me with ideas and resources – she definitely understood my vibe! I was inspired by her organization, professionalism and friendly approach. Not only did Simone teach me the ins and outs of branding and web strategy but also being an entrepreneur and developing my own business. Our meetings didn’t feel like work, I never wanted them to be over! Simone has so much knowledge to share and is 100% dedicated to each client. She’ll go the extra mile to make sure the result is exactly as you want and even more. I can’t wait to work with her again!”

Travel Writer, Event Photographer, Blogger 


“Simone has a knack for communicating complex concepts into simple, applicable tips that you can employ immediately.”

Director, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies


“I love Simone’s energy. She rocks! She is very inspiring, highly instructional, pragmatic and extremely helpful.”

Entrepreneur, Consultant, Party Maker


“With Simone’s guidance and the right strategies we were able to increase the registrations for our two-year program.”

BSDT Programme

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“Simone inspired me, motivated me and gave me the tools to elevate my brand.”

Michaelides Textiles


“A truly inspiring woman Simone has helped me gain clarity and confidence to position my expertise online.”

Cyprus Gastronomy


“Simone helped me reconnect to my “why” and regain my confidence as a business woman.”

Jewellery designer

“For any modern business to thrive these days, online branding plays a vital role in reaching potential clients and cultivating their interest, loyalty, and satisfaction with the service offered. In my case, however - and like so many training professionals whose work is very hands-on and practical - I was unclear about using content and social media to market my business effectively, and overwhelmed with all the options and solutions available. I needed someone to help me identify which social media and content practices were truly necessary and which could safely be ignored... but without overlooking any important strategy or wasting time on actions not suited to promoting my particular brand. Fortunately for me, I could turn to Simone, whose years of experience in branding and advertising, as well as her expertise in social media and content strategy, made her guidance invaluable. Patient, conscientious and meticulous, Simone's tailored coaching sessions provided me with the roadmaps to creating an online presence that uniquely showcases my brand and reaches my ideal clients. Best of all, she helped me view the online branding process holistically, empowering me with the knowledge of how all the different pieces fit together.”

Self Development & High-Performance Mentor 

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“Getting in touch with Simone was a relief, since I knew she was an expert in her field. As our one-to-one meetings followed through, Simone helped me see clearly what I needed to communicate further with my audience and what clutter had to go. My initial presentation of my content was rough and disorganized, and with her clean and precise viewing and adjusting, I was so much happier with the end result. Now with the final communication presented on my website and in a ‘make sense’ manner I feel I am a step closer to my initial goal. Working towards the next steps of my project, i can always rely on Simone for more guidance and answers to key questions that come to my mind.”

Strength & Endurance Coach



Apply for a Complimentary Brand Clarity Session


Book a 30 minute Brand Clarity Session with me personally to gain clarity on how to achieve the results you want and the exact steps you need to take to accelerate your brands growth!
